Saturday, May 22, 2010

Immigration FAQ (III)

by Immigrationfaq

Illegal Imagration?
I want to know what peole really think about this.Good or bad?Why and how?Stuff like thatDon't bother posting imature stuff becauseif you do, you must not know how to express yourself correctly.But yeh what do you guys think about illegal imagrationMy Opinion;BY ALL MEANS I THINK ITS FINE, as long as they have a working permit then you know what the hell. Understand that...

How many families need to be torn apart?
Supporters of law breaking aliens to this country often complain about families being torn apart.My questoin is this.If our government starts ruthlessly 'tearing apart' families.. how long will it take before families start going back to their countries of origin to escape the potential "break up".In other words. How much pain will it take for illegals to wake...

I am an Iranian girl, 28 years old, and now I am doing my MBA in Dubai. Can you help me to know the easiest?
countries for immigration in Europe? since I am Iranian and there are some difficulties for Iranian. And how is the immigration of Australia ?

Why don't you guys get this through your heads?
Amnesty = the act of an authority (as a government) by which 'pardon' is granted to a large group of individuals.Pardon = to release (a person) from punishment; exempt from penalty: a convicted criminal who was pardoned by the governor. 2. To let (an offense) pass without punishmentHow does that translate into having to pay fines, having...

Do the right wing bigots think all the undocmented imagrants have now gone home?
newsflash right wing bigots, nothing has changed since the imagration bill was defeated. The US will NEVER deport 20 million people. That is what nazi germany and Stalinist USSR did. When will the right wing kooks get out of denial and get a grip on reality. There will be imagration reform...

Does anyone have a sample letter of invitation that I can use as a guideline for my spouse's settlemnt visa?
I am trying to construct an invitation for my husband who is applying for a settlemnt visa in the UK. I hav eno clue on what to write in the letter. I am Uk citizen based and working in the UK>

Changing things because of immigrants?
Who can name things that have had to be changed because of immigrants ie what happened to the golliwog on jam jars

I am getting really frustrated.?
The new immigration rules and regulations are so confusing. The fees are insane, and it's just a freakin nightmare. They make it almost seem impossible to get married to and be with a foreinger. I don't know what to do.
(to be continued)


Immigration FAQ (III)


Saturday, May 08, 2010

Immigration FAQ (IV)

by Immigrationfaq

If l marry my girlfriend who is from brazil in her country can she came back to the uk with me without visa?
My fiancee has been refused a VAF2, so we have to appeal, but if we marry in Brazil, will this show immigration we are for real. Also immigration have stamped a number in her passport, does this stop her coming into uk. whilst...

Question to all pro-open border,pro-amnesty people?
They come here for a better life,right?Ok some do,but most are violent criminals.In a perfect world there would be no poverty but in reality there will always be.I could name hundreds of countries WAY poorer than Mexico.There are many countries who don't have any food let alone running water.What about them?Is the answer bring them all here?Aren't there still poor...

Who are worse the illegals themselves or the corporations that knowingly hire them?
I would have to say the corps who hire them. It is all about supply and demand if there is no demand then their will be no supply. They are the real cause for illegal immigration.

How can i get us visa?
I Muhammad Saeed Khan resident of for flung area of Pakistan with almost no medical facilities. I am suffering from diseased, which almost slowly and continuously ruined my life. And has ceased my positive activity of life. I am suffering from muscular dystrophy, which forces me to take help in almost every minor activity of life from going to bath...

More Immigration questions please visit :

About the Author
Do immigrants do jobs that Americans don't want? This is a big issue in the immigration debate, especially in regards to illegal immigrants in the U.S. Are they doing jobs that American citizens will not do, or will not perform for the pay and conditions offered? Are there droves of people willing to fill the jobs that the illegals are doing? If they...


Immigration FAQ (IV)