Monday, October 29, 2007

How Do We End Illegal Immigration? (II)

by John DeJong

Now what happens during the voluntary ninety-day relocation period? In order to insure that the illegal immigrants head back to where they came from we will need to remove all of the benefits that have been bestowed upon those who have violated our immigration laws. First, we act in accordance with the 14th Amendment when applying the law of citizenship. Despite what the supporters of illegal immigration claim, this Amendment should not allow for automatic citizenship for babies born here from illegal immigrants of foreign nations. So first off, we reclassify all illegal babies born on American soil to the status of their parents natural country of origin.

The illegal immigrants will no longer be allowed to send their children into our public schools. Nor will they be eligible for any government entitlements or other social programs. If they appear at any hospital or clinic with injuries or illness then they can be treated only after immigration officers have arrived to take them into custody for the purpose of deportation. The lone exception here would be life-threatening issues, which require immediate treatment. Yet the immigration authorities still must be notified even before this emergency treatment commences. Once all these measures are enacted, the illegal immigrants will depart on their own. If not, they will eventually be found anyway.

Once the illegal immigrants are back in their countries they can apply for entrance into the United States by way of work permits. They must list their experience and skills and other pertinent information. They must have some working knowledge and basic 6th grade understanding of the spoken and written English language. All schools will be directed toward teaching legal immigrant children the English language. There will be no more bi-lingual signs, voice mails or any other instruction in foreign languages because the English language will become the official language of the United States.

In order to enter the USA they and their dependents will submit to fingerprinting and photo identification and they will have to be matched or sponsored with an employer certified by the immigration services. They will also be required to report to Immigration Services on a monthly basis to ensure that they have not relocated out of state without authorization. Any felony conviction or repeated misdemeanor offenses of an illegal immigrant will result in deportation without the possibility of ever returning to the USA.

Those employers who wish to employ legal immigrants will have to be certified by the United States Immigration Services. They will have to list the employee skills they need and the amount of people wanted. They will have to list whether the employment is of a permanent or temporary nature. The most important aspect of employing immigrants will be that the employers will be responsible for providing an equal rate of starting pay and benefits as those of their employees who are American citizens. That will prevent the slave labor or poor wages that are currently employed by many in this country.


How Do We End Illegal Immigration? (II)


Sunday, October 14, 2007

How Do We End Illegal Immigration? (I)

by John DeJong

In the past few decades, our country has been besieged by a plethora of immigrants entering the United States under false pretense and without legal merit. These are what we refer to as illegal immigrants or aliens. Now even as you read the words, illegal immigrants, you doubtlessly think of Mexicans, right. Yet what I am referring to is ALL illegal immigrants and not just those flooding in from Central and South America. No, I am writing of ALL those who are coming in from countries all over the world.

Though billions of immigration enforcement dollars work to some degree we still cannot fully stop this stampede. Nor will we ever be able to fully block those who are intent upon entrance. There is just not enough manpower or money to cover every last inch of bordering land, air and sea. Safety in numbers is as true a statement today as the day it was first coined. So instead of trying to catch all of the foxes that are trying to get into the henhouse, why not remove the chickens? Now let me explain how we can completely stop the foxes or in this case, illegal immigration.

In concert with President Bush, all illegal immigrants must leave the United States within ninety days. This is where the President and I begin to differ on immigration. I submit that we will not expend another dime on hunting down illegal aliens after that ninety-day period. That is because after ninety days the enforcement of illegal immigrants will be turned over to the investigation of American employers who use illegal immigrants. In short, we will begin to act upon and enforce the employment laws that are already in place.

After the ninety-day period, any employer who is found to have illegal immigrants in their employ will be fined $10,000 per illegal and placed on probation for two years for each illegal found. They should not be incarcerated on the first offense. However, if they are caught employing an illegal a second time then the penalty will be grave. The second offense will result in a fine of $100,000 for each illegal in their employment and five years in prison with no parole. We must get serious if we are to stop illegal immigration.

Furthermore, their business and assets will be sold and the money generated from the sale will be used as an offset to enforcement costs. Additionally, there will be no bail allowed for their second offense of this crime. Therefore, if you are arrested for a second offense you had better be sure you have your harmonica with you because you will be staying in jail for quite some time.

to be continued


How Do We End Illegal Immigration? (I)


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Immigration Lawyers

by Anirban Bhattacharya

A lawyer is a legal expert who, by virtue of his knowledge, has the responsibility of giving consultancy to his clients on matters related to law. An immigration lawyer, as suggested by his name, is one who helps people deal with processes that permit them to become a citizen.

Immigration, dual citizenship, secondary passports, all are complex legal issues, which are amplified by the fact that they are country specific, and are constantly changing. Here lies the importance of immigration lawyers. In other words, immigration lawyers are experts in matters relating to immigration, dual citizenship, dual passports, etc, and use their expertise to help people who desire entry into any country for purposes of their own.

Planning to settle down in the United States?
If you are seeking to immigrate to the United States, you should definitely seek the advice of an experienced immigration lawyer. Laws and legislations related to immigration are quite complicated in the US and there is every chance that you will be caught unaware of some. Hence, the safest thing for you is to seek expert advice. An expert immigration lawyer will be able to provide you with the assistance with which your trip to the US can be successful. Immigration lawyers will also help you with associated legal rights, duties, and obligations of foreigners in the United States, and much more. What services do Immigration Lawyers provide?

Immigration lawyers can help you in dealing with
 Procedures involved in naturalization laws that pertain to foreign nationals.
 Legal issues concerning people who are refugees or people seeking asylum
 All types of immigration visas and petitions
 Visa waivers, religious visas, citizenship, or naturalization, immigration court proceedings, and deportation or removal hearings The Internet is abounding with private firms offering expert immigration services.

A commendable aspect about these private firms is the fact that they provide partial immigration services. i.e. you can employ them to handle only a part of the case, instead of the entire cases. This is especially beneficial because it is more affordable. However, such lawyers generally won't represent you in the court, but USA accepts such services.

The other similar area of interest is Independent immigration, Diplomatic passport immigration, investment immigration and second citizenship

About the Author
Myself webmaster of dealing in services Second Passport, Second Citizenship, Instant citizenship, Independent immigration, Diplomatic passport, Diplomatic passport services, Diplomatic passport immigration, Economic citizenship program, Diplomatic passport


Immigration Lawyers